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Come and Grow


Public Installation

Client: Glow eINDHOVEN

9 November, 2019

come and grow

Interactive installation for the Lightfestival GLOW Eindhoven (NL).
Promoting people to work together and solve a puzzle to grow a giant inflatable plant.



Getting a pitch from the GGZ Eindhoven. They asked me to create something to promote their “Light Therapy” treatment. Light therapy is a way to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and certain other conditions by exposure to artificial light.

Coming to the conclusion that light is happiness. Asking who else needs light to be happy? Plants!

I created a giant plant pot for 5 people to sit in. People enter the pot and are seated around a giant pillar full of puzzles. They have to work and interact with eachother to solve the puzzles. Finding numbers to eventually open the hatch that contains the button that switches on the blower and lights of the inflatable plant

By working together its not only the plant that grows but also the people that grow as a group.

This project was all about creating interaction and having fun with strangers.

Come and grow by George Barratt-Jones
Come and grow by George Barratt-Jones
Come and grow mam and tante mieke-1.jpg
Come and grow by George Barratt-Jones
Come and grow by George Barratt-Jones